Presenting Sponsor - $50,000
Corporate Recognition
- Exclusive, presenting sponsor recognition in all publicity (i.e. press releases, invites, fact sheets)
- Recognition as presenting sponsor in Foundation’s newsletters and publications
- Presenting sponsorship recognition on event posters to be displayed for 20 days in Sharp Grossmont Hospital physician lounges
- Name recognition on Foundation website upon confirmation
Gala Recognition & Benefits
- VIP, Stellar Circle reserved seating for thirty (30) guests
- Full-page, 4-color advertisement and sponsor name listing in the Gala Program (best placement)
- Two-night hotel stay at the Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina on Saturday, November 2, 2024
- Permanent listing on Donor Wall of Honor located at Sharp Grossmont Hospital
- Premiere sponsor trophy presentation from the podium
- Prominent name recognition on sponsor sign displayed at ballroom entrance
- Logo recognition as presenting sponsor on PowerPoint slideshow during the evening
Guaranteed Purchase: $50,000.00
Superstar Sponsor - $35,000
Corporate Recognition
- High-level sponsor recognition in all publicity (i.e. press releases, invites, fact sheets)
- Sponsor recognition in Foundation’s newsletters and publications
- Sponsor recognition on event posters to be displayed for 20 days in Sharp Grossmont Hospital physician lounges
- Name recognition on Foundation website upon confirmation
Gala Recognition & Benefits
- VIP, Stellar Circle reserved seating for twenty (20) guests
- Full-page, 4-color advertisement and sponsor name listing in the Gala Program
- Two-night hotel stay at the Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina on Saturday, November 2, 2024
- Permanent listing on Donor Wall of Honor located at Sharp Grossmont Hospital
- Sponsor trophy presentation from the podium
- Prominent name recognition on sponsor sign displayed at ballroom entrance
- Logo recognition as visionary sponsor on PowerPoint slideshow during the evening
Guaranteed Purchase: $35,000.00
Visionary Sponsor - $15,000
Corporate Recognition
- High-level sponsor recognition in all publicity (i.e. press releases, invites, fact sheets)
- Sponsor recognition in Foundation’s newsletters and publications
- Sponsor recognition on event posters to be displayed for 20 days in Sharp Grossmont Hospital physician lounges
- Name recognition on Foundation website upon confirmation
Gala Recognition & Benefits
- VIP, Stellar Circle reserved seating for ten (10) guests
- Full-page, 4-color advertisement and sponsor name listing in the Gala Program
- One-night hotel stay at the Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina on Saturday, November 2, 2024
Permanent listing on Donor Wall of Honor located at Sharp Grossmont Hospital
- Sponsor trophy presentation from the podium
- Prominent name recognition on sponsor sign displayed at ballroom entrance
- Logo recognition as visionary sponsor on PowerPoint slideshow during the evening
Guaranteed Purchase: $15,000.00
Champion Sponsor - $10,000
Corporate Recognition
- Name recognition in all publicity (i.e. press releases, invites, fact sheets)
- Name recognition in Foundation’s newsletters and publications
- Name recognition on Foundation website upon confirmation
Gala Recognition & Benefits
- VIP, Stellar Circle reserved seating for ten (10) guests
- Full-page, 4-color advertisement and sponsor name listing in the Gala program and PowerPoint
- One-night hotel stay at the Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina on Saturday, November 2, 2024
- Sponsor trophy presentation during dinner program and/or Patron Party
- Name recognition on sponsor sign displayed at ballroom entrance
Guaranteed Purchase: $10,000.00
Valor Sponsor - $5,500
- Ten (10) reserved seats
- Full-page, black & white advertisement and sponsor name listing in the Gala program and PowerPoint
- Name recognition in Foundation’s newsletter
- Name recognition on Foundation website upon confirmation
Guaranteed Purchase: $5,500.00
Mentor Sponsor - $3,750
- Six (6) reserved seats
- Half-page, black & white advertisement and sponsor name listing in the Gala program and PowerPoint
- Name recognition in Foundation’s newsletter
- Name recognition on Foundation website upon confirmation
Guaranteed Purchase: $3,750.00
Notable Sponsor - $2,250
- Four (4) reserved seats
- Sponsor name listing in the gala program and PowerPoint
- Name recognition in Foundation’s newsletter
Name recognition on the Foundation website upon confirmation
Guaranteed Purchase: $2,250.00