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41st Annual Grossmont Hospital Foundation Golf Tournament
Thursday, April 17, 2025
Masters Sponsor

Corporate Recognition

  • Exclusive Presenting Sponsor recognition in all publicity (i.e. press releases, invites, fact sheets) materials distributed to local media and community contacts
  • Corporate logo on tournament invitation artwork (if confirmed by October 18, 2024)
  • Recognition as Presenting Sponsor in Foundation’s newsletters and publications
  • Presenting sponsorship recognition on event sign to be displayed for 20 days in Sharp Grossmont and Hospital, visible to 3,000 employees, 600 physicians, patients and visitors
  • Listing on Grossmont Hospital Foundation web page, https://grossmontfoundation.ejoinme.org/golf2025 with the option to include company logo

Tournament Recognition

  • Three (3) foursomes including cart, lunch, dinner, awards ceremony and tee prize package
  • Twelve (12) invitations to an exclusive VIP Breakfast with Sharp executives the morning of April 17
  • Three (3) hotel room stays at Sycuan Casino and Resort for the evening of April 16 or April 17, 2025
  • Twenty (20) additional dinner banquet seats
  • Option to include promotional materials (provided by sponsor) in player tee prize packages
  • Presenting Sponsor designation on sponsor a sign at registration and banquet entrance
  • Company name on twelve (12) on-course tee signs
  • Corporate logo embroidered on the official event golf shirt or jacket
  • Corporate banner (to be provided by company) displayed at registration and dinner
  • Sponsor trophy presentation from podium during awards ceremony
  • Most prominently placed, full-page, black & white advertisement in the official tournament program
Guaranteed Purchase: $20,000.00
Tournament Sponsor

Corporate Recognition

  • Recognition in publicity materials (i.e. press releases and fact sheets) distributed to local media and community contacts
  • Presenting sponsorship recognition on event sign to be displayed for 20 days in Sharp Grossmont Hospital, visible to 3,000 employees, 600 physicians, patients and visitors
  • Recognition as Tournament Sponsor in Foundation’s newsletters and publications
  • Listing on Grossmont Hospital Foundation web page, https://grossmontfoundation.ejoinme.org/golf2025

Tournament Recognition

  • Two (2) foursomes including cart, lunch, dinner, awards ceremony and tee prize package
  • Eight (8) invitations to an exclusive VIP Breakfast with Sharp executives the morning of April 17
  • Two (2) hotel room stays at Sycuan Casino and Resort for the evening of April 16 or April 17, 2025
  • Corporate logo on save the date card mailing (if confirmed by October 15, 2024)
  • Recognition as Tournament Sponsor on sponsor sign at registration and dinner banquet.
  • Company name on eight (8) on-course tee signs
  • Prominently placed, full-page, black & white advertisement in official tournament program
  • Corporate banner (to be provided by sponsor) displayed at registration and dinner
  • Ten (10) additional dinner banquet seats
  • Sponsor trophy presentation from podium during awards ceremony
Guaranteed Purchase: $15,000.00
Eagle Sponsor

Corporate Recognition

  • Recognition as Eagle Sponsor in Foundation’s newsletters and publications (i.e. press releases and fact sheets) distributed to local media and community contacts
  • Listing on Grossmont Hospital Foundation web page, https://grossmontfoundation.ejoinme.org/golf2025 

Tournament Recognition

  • One (1) foursome including cart, lunch, dinner, awards ceremony and tee prize package
  • Four (4) invitations to an exclusive VIP Breakfast with Sharp executives the morning of April 17
  • One (1) hotel room stay at Sycuan Casino and Resort for the evening of April 16 or April 17, 2025
  • Recognition as Eagle Sponsor on sponsor sign at registration and dinner
  • Company name on six (6) on-course tee signs
  • Prominently placed, full-page, black & white advertisement in official tournament program
  • Sponsor trophy presentation from podium during awards ceremony
Guaranteed Purchase: $10,000.00
Birdie Sponsor
  • One (1) foursome including cart, lunch, dinner, awards ceremony and tee prize package
  • Four (4) invitations to an exclusive VIP Breakfast with Sharp executives the morning of April 17
  • One (1) hotel room stay at Sycuan Casino and Resort for the evening of April 16 or April 17, 2025
  • Listing on Grossmont Hospital Foundation web page, https://grossmontfoundation.ejoinme.org/golf2025
  • Recognition in press releases and fact sheets distributed to local media and community contacts
  • Recognition as Birdie Sponsor on sponsor sign at registration and dinner
  • Company name on four (4) on-course tee signs
  • Full-page, black & white advertisement in official tournament program
Guaranteed Purchase: $7,500.00
Par Sponsor
  • Four (4) individual player registrations including cart, lunch, dinner, awards ceremony and tee prize
  • Recognition as Par Sponsor on sponsor sign at registration and dinner
  • Company name on two (2) on-course tee sign
  • Company name listing in official tournament program
  • Recognition on event fact sheet distributed to local media and community contacts
  • Website listing on Grossmont Hospital Foundation webpage
  • Half-page, black & white advertisement in official tournament program
  • Website listing on Grossmont Hospital Foundation web page, https://grossmontfoundation.ejoinme.org/golf2025
Guaranteed Purchase: $6,000.00
Hole & Tee Sponsor
  • Two (2) individual player registrations including cart, lunch, dinner, awards ceremony and tee prize
  • Recognition as Hole & Tee Sponsor on sponsor sign at registration and dinner
  • Company name on one (1) on-course tee sign
  • Company name listing in official tournament program
  • Recognition on event fact sheet distributed to local media and community contacts
  • Website listing on Grossmont Hospital Foundation web page, https://grossmontfoundation.ejoinme.org/golf2025 
Guaranteed Purchase: $3,500.00